Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter!

Good morning and Happy Easter!  It's a very early morning for us.  We got in late from Florence and weren't done with dinner until after 10:30.  Our wake-up call was 6am, in order for us to have breakfast and be on the buses by 8 for a one-hour drive to Pisa where we'll attend mass.  What's more, Italy changes to Daylight Saving Time today, so we lost yet another hour of sleep.  So even the best of us only got about six hours.  It's a much shorter day for us than yesterday was however.  After Pisa we travel to Lucca (a "hidden gem" says one of our guides) and then back to the hotel by 5pm for some rare downtime.  Dinner will be at 7, and then we pack for the second leg of the trip.

Before we leave for the day, here are a few more shots of yesterday's Florence trip, courtesy of Mr. Potchen.  You'll notice how things have gotten completely out of hand when the photographers start taking pictures of each other.



  1. Happy Easter OHS Choir!!! I am loving these pictures. Thank you so much for sharing a little window into your amazing journey through Italy! Wow so fantastic and beautiful!!! Thank you for this blog and thank you OHS choir for your amazing voices. I know you are blessing to all who hear!

  2. Hope everyone has the battery pulled out of there cell phone, looks like you can rack up some *really* nasty roming charges. see this article from March 31 Detroit Free Press.
